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Menopause Mini Makeover£49

  • Total payment
  • 1xMenopause Mini Makeover£49

All prices in GBP

Menopause Mini Makeover£49

What's Included:
Module 1:  Understanding Menopause

What you'll learn:

What is menopause

What's going on with my hormones

How many symptoms?

How you can manage your symptoms using medical and non medical options.

Lifestyle habits - how your NESST impacts your menopause

Module 2:  Your Menopause Philosophy

What you'll learn:

How to use your ABCs to feel more empowered through menopause

Acceptance - turning a negative into a positive experience

Beliefs - reframing negative expectations into powerful forces of positivity

Choice - putting you firmly back in the driving seat of your menopause

Module 3:  Bonus Module
A comprehensive e-book covering HRT, NESST and how to get the best from a visit to your GP.
